Encontre os trabalhos publicados em periódicos científicos pela equipe do LAPMAR.
Loureiro, Sarita Nunes; Amado, Lílian Lund; Giarrizzo, Tommaso. A multi-tissues comparison of biomarkers in Serrasalmus rhombeus (Teleostei: Serrasalmidae) and Prochilodus nigricans (Teleostei: Prochilodontidae) from two Amazonian rivers with distinct levels of pollution. Ecological Indicators, v. 147, p. 109936, 2023.
Mantoani, Maurício C.; Emygdio, Ana P.M.; Degobbi, Cristiane; Sapucci, Camila Ribeiro; Guerra, Lara C.C.; Dias, Maria A.F.S .;Dias, Pedro L.S.; Zanetti, Rafael H.S .;Rodrigues, Fábio ; Araujo, Gabriel G.; Silva, Dulcilena M.C.; Filho, Valter Batista Duo; Boschilia, Solana M.; Martins, Jorge A.; Carotenuto, Federico; ?Antl-Temkiv, Tina; Morris, Cindy E.; Gonçalves, Fábio L.T. Rainfall effects on vertical profiles of airborne fungi over a mixed land-use context at the Brazilian Atlantic Forest biodiversity hotspot. Agricultural And Forest Meteorology, v. 331, p. 109352, 2023.
Rodrigues, J.F.; Costa, D.B.; Sousa, T.R.; Carmo, A.M.C.; Ferreira, C.P.; Kawakami, S. K. Sistemas de abastecimento e tratamento de água em municípios amazônicos: o caso em São Sebastião da Boa Vista, Ilha do Marajó (Pará). Revista Brasileira de Meio ambiente, v. 11, p. 35-50, 2023.
Xavier Júnior, Sebastião Ribeiro; Godoy, Sara Gurfinkel Marques De; Ferreira, Cristiane de Paula. Um horto e uma cartilha pedagógica: ferramentas não-formais para falar de plantas medicinais do ensino médio à graduação. Revista Brasileira de Educação Ambiental (impresso), v. 18, p. 381-397, 2023.
Alho da Costa, B.M.P.; Torres, M.F.; Da Silva, Renan Amaral; Ayd’n, Baki; Amado, L. L; Hamoy, Moisés; Barbas, Luis André L. Integrated behavioural, neurological, muscular and cardiorespiratory response in tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum anaesthetized with menthol. Aquaculture, v. 560, p. 738553, 2022.
Aquino, R.; Noriega, C.; Mascarenhas. A; Costa, M.; Monteiro, S.; Santana, L.; Silva, I.; Prestes, Y.; Araújo, M.; Rollnic, M. Possible Amazonian contribution to Sargassum enhancement on the Amazon Continental Shelf. Science of The Total Environment, v. 853, p. 158432, 2022.
Aviz, D; Rollnic, M; Nascimento, IBA; Pinheiro, La; Rosa Filho, JS. Temporal dynamics of a Sabellaria wilsoni (Sabellariidae: Polychaeta) reef on the Brazilian Amazon Coast. Marine Ecology Progress series, v. 702, p. 87-103, 2022.
Cantanhede, S. M.; De Carvalho, I. S. C; Hamoy, M.; Corrêa, J. A. M.; De Carvalho, L. M.; Barbas, L. A; Montag, L. F. A; Amado, L. L. Evaluation of cardiotoxicity in amazonian fish bryconops caudomaculatus by acute exposure to aluminium in an acidic environment. Aquatic Toxicology, v. 242, p. 106044, 2022.
Cantanhêde, Sildiane Martins; De Carvalho, Irina Sofia Cardoso; Adolfo, Franciele Rovasi; Leal, Gabriela; Reis, Gabriel Moraes; De Carvalho, Leandro Machado; De Assis Montag, Luciano Fogaça; Amado, Lílian Lund. Distribution of metals in different environmental compartments and oxidative stress biomarkers in Bryconops caudomaculatus (Osteichthyes: Characiformes) from a bauxite mining area in the Eastern Amazon. Environmental Research, v. 215, p. 114391, 2022.
Castellón, Saúl Edgardo Martínez; Cattanio, José Henrique; Berrêdo, José Francisco; Rollnic, Marcelo; Ruivo, Maria De Lourdes; Noriega, Carlos. Greenhouse gas fluxes in mangrove forest soil in an Amazon estuary. BioGeosciences, v. 19, p. 5483-5497, 2022.
De carvalho, I. S C.; Cantanhede, S. M.; Hamoy, M.; Da cruz F. J.; José R.; Amado, L. L. Cardiac responses in Crassostrea gasar: An experimental approach of how the tidal cycle influences the heart function of the mangrove oyster. Comparative biochemistry and physiology a-molecular & integrative physiology, v. 271, p. 111264, 2022.
Dos Santos Queiroz, A. F; Da Conceição, A. S.; Chelazzi, D.; Rollnic, M.; Cincinelli, A.; Giarrizzo, T.; Martinelli, J. E. F. First assessment of microplastic and artificial microfiber contamination in surface waters of the amazon continental shelf. Science of the total environment, v. 839, p. 156259, 2022.
Emygdio, A. P. M.; Degobbi, C; Carotenuto, F.; Castro e Silva, D. M.; Quintino, T. B.; Zanetti, R. H. S.; Mantoani, M.C.; Boschilia, S. M.; Guerra, L. C. C.; Da Silva Dias, P. L.; Morris, C. E.; Gonçalves, F. L. T. Bioaerosol vertical fungal spores profile in minas gerais state, brazil. Aerobiologia, v. 1, p. 1-17, 2022.
Kawakami, Silvia K.; Mello, Leonardo; Dergan, Antônio L.; Evangelista, Camila; Aquino, Rafael F.; Mendes, Rosivaldo A.; Carmo, Alexandre M.C.; Amado, Lílian L. Sedimentary PAH and oxidative stress biomarkers responses on Namalycastis abiuma (Polychaeta: Nereididae) from an urbanized Amazon estuary. Regional Studies In Marine Science, v. 1, p. 102757, 2022.
Kütter, V.T; De Oliveira A.C.P; Da Rosa Q.G.C.; Mirlean, N.; Silva-Filho, E.V.; Machado, W.; Garnier, J.; Aguilera, O.; Rosário, R. P.; Kawakami, S. K.; Albuquerque, A. L. S. Mercury distribution in water masses of the south atlantic ocean (24°s to 20°s), brazilian exclusive economic zone. Marine pollution bulletin, v. 176, p. 113425, 2022.
Martinelli Filho, José Eduardo; Gusmao, L. F.; Lopes R.M. The infection of paracalanid copepods by the alveolate parasite Ellobiopsis chattoni Caullery, 1910 in a subtropical coastal area. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, v. 10, p. 1-9, 2022.
Noriega, Carlos; Medeiros, Carmen; Varona, Humberto L.; Rodrigues, Leonardo; Araujo, Moacyr; Monteiro, Sury; Da Silva, Andrea Xavier; Pereira, Newton Antas; De Lima, Eduardo Elvino Sales; Da Silva, Deive S. Teixeira; De Campos Pereira, Sonali; Araujo, Julia; Rollnic, Marcelo. Water Quality in a Tropical Estuarine Channel: Current Conditions, Trends, and Trophic Status (1990-2016). Water Air and Soil Pollution, v. 233, p. 382, 2022.
Pereira, M.J.M.; Mendes, A.C.; Petracco, M. Identification and characterization of Municipal Solid Waste – MSW through geoprocessing and visual analysis of waste in Brazil. Revista de geografia (recife), v. 39, p. 274, 2022.
Queiroz, Arnaldo Fabrício Dos Santos; Da Conceição, Amanda Saraiva; Chelazzi, David, Rollnic, Marcelo; Cincinelli, Alessandra; Giarrizzo, Tommaso; Martinelli Filho, José Eduardo. First assessment of microplastic and artificial microfiber contamination in surface waters of the Amazon Continental Shelf. Science ff the Total Environment, v. 839, p. 156259, 2022.
Ranieri, Leilanhe Almeida; Rosário, Renan Peixoto; Tritinger, Amanda Sue ; El-Robrini, Maâmar . Coastal dynamics on equatorial beaches of amazonian coast during extreme tide events. Pesquisas Em Geociências (ONLINE), v. 49, p. e116073, 2022.
Rossignolo, J.A.; Duran, A.J.F.P.; Bueno, C.; Martinelli Filho, José Eduardo; Savastano Junior, H.; Tonin, F.G. Algae application in civil construction: A review with focus on the potential uses of the pelagic Sargassum spp. biomass. Journal Of Environmental Management, v. 303, p. 114258, 2022.
Santos, T.M.T.; Petracco, M.; Venekey, V. Effects of vehicle traffic and trampling on the macrobenthic community of Amazonian macrotidal sandy beaches. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, v. x, p. 1-23, 2022.
Baia, E.; Rollnic, M.;Venekey, V. Seasonality of pluviosity and saline intrusion drive meiofauna and nematodes on an Amazon freshwater-oligohaline beach. Journal of Sea Research, v. 170, p. 102022, 2021.
Baia, L.B.; Ranieri, L.A.; Rosário, R.P. Análise multitemporal da variação da linha de costa em praias estuarinas de macromaré na Amazônia Oriental. Geociências (SÃO PAULO. Online), v. 40, p. 231-244, 2021.
Barbas, L.A.L.; Torres, M.F.; Da Costa, B.M.P.A.; Feitosa, M.J. M.; Maltez, L. C.; Amado, L.L.; Toda, Y.A.P.S.; Batista, P.S.; Cabral, D.A.C.; Hamoy, M. Eugenol induces body immobilization yet evoking an increased neuronal excitability in fish during short-term baths. Aquatic Toxicology, v. 231, p. 105734, 2021.
Berdalet, E.; Anderson, C.; Banas, N.;Davis, T.; Clarke, D.; Jeong, H. J .;Karlson, B.; Kudela, R.M.; Lapointe, B.; Lim, P.T.; Martinelli Filho, J.E .;Serrao, E .;Siano, R .;Silke, J.;Trainer, V.;Tussenbroek, B.V.; Wood, S.; Yniguez, A.; Miloslavich, P.; Enevoldsen, H. Globalhab (Ioc-Unesco And Scor): Latinamerica Contribution To The International Coordination For Sound Knowledge Of Habs And Management Of Their Impacts. Phycologia, v. 60, p. 86-87, 2021.
Branco, F.O.L.; Cardenas, S.M.M.; Serrao, I.C.G.; Cunha, I.R.V.; Amado, L.L.; Kutter, V.V.T. Contaminantes Emergentes na Bacias Hidrográficas Brasileiras e seus potenciais efeitos em espécies ameaçadas de extinção. Revista Brasileira de Meio Ambiente, v. 9, p. 140-174, 2021.
Cantanhêde, S.M.; Amado, L.L.; Alho da Costa, B.M.P.; Barbas, L.A.L .;Torres, M. F.; Hamoy, A.O.; Da Paz, C.A.; Da silva Ferreira, C.B.; Lima, G.O.; De Sousa, J.R.; DE Almeida, L.C.N.; Bentes, N.H.M .;De Mello, V.J.; Hamoy, M. Menthol exposure induces reversible cardiac depression and reduces lipid peroxidation in the heart tissue of tambaqui Colossoma macropomum. Aquaculture, v. 541, p. 736847, 2021.
Da Silva Montes, C.; Ferreira, M.A.P.; Giarrizzo, T.; Amado, L.L.; Rocha, R. M. The legacy of artisanal gold mining and its impact on fish health from Tapajós Amazonian region: A multi-biomarker approach. Chemosphere, v. 287, p. 132263, 2021.
Dos Santos, C.C.M.; Ferreira, J.A.; Dos Santos, C.R.M.; Amado, L.L. Seasonal modulation of oxidative stress biomarkers in mangrove oyster (Crassostrea Gasar) from an Amazon estuary. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology, v. 1, p. 110953, 2021.
Guilherme F.; Carlos A.E.G.; Janini P.; Luiz Paulo F.A; Marcelo R.; Luis H.P.G.; Letícia C.C., Carlos A.D.L., et al. Coastal Ocean Observing and Modeling Systems in Brazil: Initiatives and Future Perspectives. Frontiers in Marine Science, v. 8, p. 681619, 2021.
Noriega, C.; Medeiros, C.; Araújo, M.; Silva, A.X.; Costa, M.; Pereira, N. A.; De Lima, E.E.S.; Da Silva, D.S.T.; De Campos Pereira, S.; Rollnic, M. Long-term water quality conditions and trends in 12 tropical coastal rivers in Northeast Brazil. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, v. 193, p. 308, 2021.
Pedrini, A.G.; Guarino, G.I.P.; Diniz, F.S.P.; Martinelli Filho, José Eduardo. Checklist of benthic algae from beaches and rocky outcrops on the northeast coast of Pará state, Brazilian Amazonia. Acta Amazonica, v. 51, p. 166-170, 2021.
Ribeiro-Brasil, D.R.G.; Castro, Í.B.; Petracco, M.; Batista, R.M.; Brasil, L. S.; Ferreira, J.A.; Da Costa Borba, T.A.; Rollnic, M.; Fillmann, G.; Amado, L.L. Spatial distribution of butyltins and imposex in eastern Brazilian Amazon. Marine Pollution Bulletin, v. 165, p. 112155, 2021.
Santos, T. M. T.; Petracco, M.; Venekey, V. Recreational activities trigger changes in meiofauna and free-living nematodes on Amazonian macrotidal sandy beaches. Marine Environmental Research, v. 167, p. 105289, 2021.
Siqueira, A.S.; Boschilia, S.M.; Santos, C.R.M.; Heino, J.; Santos, R.L.B. Non-flying and flying macroinvertebrates show similar beta diversity patterns caused by different factors at two spatial scales in Amazon streams. Aquatic Sciences, v. 83, p. 62, 2021.
Souza, D.G.C.; Petracco, M.; Danin, A. P. F.; Pombo, M. Population structure of and use of space by ghost crabs (Brachyura: Ocypodidae) on an equatorial, macrotidal sandy beach. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, v. x, p. 107376, 2021.
Souza, Diego Garcia Cordeiro; Petracco, Marcelo; Danin, Ana Paula Ferreira; Pombo, Maíra. Population structure of and use of space by ghost crabs (Brachyura: Ocypodidae) on an equatorial, macrotidal sandy beach. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, v. x, p. 107376, 2021.
Banha, T.N.S.; Morandini, A.C.; Rosário, R.P. Martinelli Filho, J.E. Scyphozoan jellyfish (Cnidaria, Medusozoa) from Amazon coast: distribution, temporal variation and length-weight relationship. Journal of Plankton Research, v. 42, p. 767-778, 2020.
Carneiro, A.G.; Prestes, Y.O.; Rollnic, M. Estimates of suspended solid transport in the Pará River Estuary. Ocean and Coastal Research, v. 68, p. 1-8, 2020.
Cidreira, G.; Venekey, V.; Alves, O.F.S.; Kelmo, F. Description of Pseudosteineria longisetis sp. n. from northeastern Brazil with a review of the genus Pseudosteineria Wieser, 1956 (Nematoda: Xyalidae). Zootaxa (ONLINE), v. 4763, p. 354-370, 2020.
Danin, A.P.F.; Pombo, M.; Martinelli-Lemos, J.M.; Dos Santos, C.R.M.; Aviz, D.; Petracco, M. Population ecology of the hermit crab Clibanarius symmetricus (Anomura: Diogenidae) on an exposed beach of the Brazilian Amazon coast. Regional Studies in Marine Science, v. 33, p. 100944, 2020.
Da Silva Montes, C.; Pantoja Ferreira, M.A.; Giarrizzo, T; Amado, L.L.; Rocha, R.M. Evaluation of metal contamination effects in piranhas through biomonitoring and multi biomarkers approach. Heliyon, v. 6, p. e04666, 2020.
Lobo, F.; Peixoto, H.; Borba, T.; Monteiro, S. ; Rollnic, M . Multitemporal Variability in the Morphodynamics of a River-Estuarine Island. Journal of Coastal Research, v. 95, p. 865-869, 2020.
Mendes, T.P.; Amado, L.L.; Juen, L. Glutathione S-transferase activity in Mnesarete aenea (Odonata), Campylocia anceps (Ephemeroptera), and Cylindrostethus palmaris (Hemiptera) from forest and oil palm plantation areas in the Eastern Amazon. Ecological Indicators, v. 118, p. 106770, 2020.
Nunes, B.; Paixão, L.; Nunes, Z.; Amado, L.; Ferreira, M.A.; Rocha, R. Use of biochemical markers to quantify the toxicological effects of metals on the fish Sciades herzbergii: potential use to assess the environmental status of Amazon estuaries. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 1, p. 1-11, 2020.
Oliveira Novaes, G. ; Moura Monteiro, S.; Rollnic, M . Microplastics on the Fluvio-estuarine Beaches of Cotijuba Island, Pará River Estuary (Brazil). Journal of Coastal Research, v. 95, p. 780-784, 2020.
Prestes, Y.O.; Borba, T.A.C.; Silva, A.C.; Rollnic, M. A discharge stationary model for the Pará-Amazon estuarine system. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, v. 28, p. 100668, 2020.
Baia, E.; Venekey, V. Distribution patterns of meiofauna on a tropical macrotidal sandy beach, with special focus on nematodes (Caixa d?Água, Amazon Coast, Brazil). Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, v. 67, p. 19230, 2019.
Braga, R.C.; Pimentel, M.A.S. ; Coelho, C.; Szlafsztein, C.F.; Rollnic, M. Vulnerabilidade diante da ação energética do mar: Estudo de caso no Município de Salinópolis, Zona Costeira Amazônica, Brasil. Revista de Gestão Costeira Integrada, v. 19, p. 245-264, 2019.
Cantanhêde, S.M.; Hamoy, M.; De Assis Montag, L.F.; Amado, L.L. Electrophysiological responses in Amazonian fish species Bryconops caudomaculatus (Osteichthyes: Characifromes) as biomarkers of xenobiotic toxicity. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology, v. 228C, p. 108653, 2019.
Cidreira, G.; Pinheiro-Junior, E.P.; Venekey, V.; De Souza Alves, O.F. A new species of Pomponema Cobb, 1917 (Nematoda: Cyatholaimidae) from Northeast of Brazil, with reference to the taxonomic status of the genera Parapomponema Ott, 1972 and Propomponema Ott, 1972. Zootaxa (Online), v. 4691, p. 63-77, 2019.
Dos Santos, C.C.M.; Da Costa, J.F.M.; Dos Santos, C.R.M.; Amado, L.L. Influence of seasonality on the natural modulation of oxidative stress biomarkers in mangrove crab Ucides cordatus (Brachyura, Ucididae). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology, v. 227, p. 146-153, 2019.
Freire, M.A.M.; Santana, L.N.S.; Bittencourt, L.O.; Nascimento, P.C.; Fernandes, R.M.; Leão, L.K.R.; Fernandes, L.M.P.; Silva, M.C.F.; Amado, L.L.; Gomes-Leal, WA.; Crespo-Lopez, M.E.; Maia, C.S.F.; Lima, R.R. Methylmercury intoxication and cortical ischemia: Pre-clinical study of their comorbidity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, v. 174, p. 557-565, 2019.
Fujimoto, R.Y.; Santos, R.F.B.; Pala, G.; Gallani, S. U.; Valladão, G.M.R.; Morais, G. C.; Lee, J.T.; Sousa, N.C.; Cunha, F.S.; Maria, A. N.; Carneiro, P.C.F.; Pilarski, F. Supplementation with arginine in the diet of Nile tilapia reared in net cages. Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira (online), v. 54, p. 1-8, 2019.
Martinelli Filho, J.E.; Dos Santos, Thuareag M.T; Petracco, M.; De Lima-Gomes, R.C.; Magalhães, C.U. Heterochely and laterality in Kingsleya castrensis Pedraza, Martinelli-Filho & Magalhães, 2015 (Decapoda, Pseudothelphusidae). Crustaceana, v. 92, p. 415-427, 2019.
Martinelli Filho, J.E.; Monteiro, R.C.P. Widespread microplastics distribution at an Amazon macrotidal sandy beach. Marine Pollution Bulletin, v. 145, p. 219-223, 2019.
Mendes, T.P.; Amado, L.L.; Ribeiro, R.A.B.; Juen, L. Morphological diversity of Odonata larvae (Insecta) and abiotic variables in oil palm plantation areas in the Eastern Amazon. Hydrobiologia, v. AG2019, p. Online, 2019.
Montag, L.F.A.; Leão, H.; Benone, N.L.; Monteiro-Júnior, C.S.; Faria, A.P.J.; Nicacio, G.; Ferreira, C.P.; Garcia, D.H.A.; Santos, C.R.M.; Pompeu, P.S.; Winemiller, K.O.; Juen, L. Contrasting associations between habitat conditions and stream aquatic biodiversity in a forest reserve and its surrounding area in the Eastern Amazon. Hydrobiologia, v. 826, p. 263-277, 2019.
Petracco, M.; Aviz, D.; Martinelli Filho, J. E.; Cardoso, R.S.; Turra, A. Effects of physical features on production of three macrofaunal species in different sandy beach zones in South America. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 218, p. 23-30, 2019.
Schmidt, J.O.; Bograd, S.J.; Arrizabalaga, H.; Barbeaux, S.J.; Barth, J.A.; Boyer, T.; Brodie, S.; Jacox, M.; Kupschus, S.; Lopez, J.; Madureira, L.A.S.; Martinelli Filho, J.E.; Miloslavich, P.; Santos, C.P.; Scales, K.; Speich, S.; Sullivan, M.B.; Szoboszlai, A.; Tommasi, D.; Wallace, D.; Zador, S. Future Ocean Observations to Connect Climate, Fisheries and Marine Ecosystems. Frontiers in Marine Science, v. 6, p. 1-18, 2019.
Venekey, V.; Gheller, P.F.; Kandratavicius, N.; Cunha, B. P.; Vilas-Boas, A.C.; Fonsêca, G.; Maria, T.F. The state of the art of Chromadoridae (Nematoda, Chromadorida): a historical review, diagnoses and comments about valid and dubious genera and a list of valid species. Zootaxa (Online), v. 4578, p. 1-67, 2019.
Venekey, V.; Melo, T.P.G.; Rosa Filho, J.S. Effects of seasonal fluctuation of amazon river discharge on the spatial and temporal changes of meiofauna and nematodes in the amazonian coast. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, v. 227, p. 106330, 2019.
Aragão, W.A.B.; Teixeira, F. B.; Fagundes, N.C.F.; Fernandes, R. M.; Fernandes, L. M.P.; da Silva, M.C. F.; Amado, L.L.; Sagica, F.E.; Oliveira, E.H.C..; Crespo-Lopez, M.E.; Maia, C.S.F.; Lima, R.R. Hippocampal Dysfunction Provoked by Mercury Chloride Exposure: Evaluation of Cognitive Impairment, Oxidative Stress, Tissue Injury and Nature of Cell Death. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, v. 2018, p. 1-11, 2018.
Arvanitidis, C.D.; Warwick, R.M.; Somerfield, P.J.; Venekey, V.; Vos, C.; Genefor, W.; Walter, C. T.; Watling, L.; Wayland, M.; Whipps, C.; Williams, G.; Wilson, R.; Yasuhara, M.; Zanol, J.; Zeidler, W. Research Infrastructures offer capacity to address scientific questions never attempted before: Are all taxa equal?. Peerj Preprints, v. 26819, p. 1-12, 2018.
Bittencourt, L.O.; Dionizio, A.; Nascimento, P.; Puty, B.; Leão, L.K R; Luz, D.; Silva, M.C.F.; Amado, L.L.; de Lima Leite, A.; Afonso Rabelo Buzalaf, M.; Crespo-López, M.E.; Maia, C. S.F.; Lima, R.R. Proteomic approach underlying the hippocampal neurodegeneration caused by low doses of methylmercury after a long-term exposure in adult rats. Metallomics, v. 11, p. 390-403, 2018.
Costa, M.S.; Rocha, A.S.; Santos, A.S.; Rollnic, M. Influence of Tide on Salt Entrapment in the River Mojuim Estuary. Journal of Coastal Research, v. 1, p. 81-85, 2018.
Da Silva Santana, L.N.; Bittencourt, L.O.; Nascimento, P.C.; Fernandes, R.M.; Teixeira, F.B.; Fernandes, L.M.P.; Freitas Silva, M.C.; Nogueira, L.S.; Amado, L.L.; Crespo-Lopez, M.E.; Do Socorro Ferraz Maia, C.; Lima, R.R. Low doses of methylmercury exposure during adulthood in rats display oxidative stress, neurodegeneration in the motor cortex and lead to impairment of motor skills. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, v. 51, p. 19-27, 2018.
Mascarenhas, A.C.C.; Correa, A.W.; Carneiro, A.G.; Costa, M.S.; Rollnic, M.; Medeiros, C. Seasonal exchanges of salt and suspended particulates between the sol bay and the Pará river, amazonian coast. Journal of Coastal Research, v. 1, p. 111-115, 2018.
Mendes, Y.A.; Lee, J.T.; Viana, I.K.S.; Rocha, R.M.; Ferreira, M.A.P. Reproductive biology of the tiger pleco Panaqolus tankei (Loricariidae) in a lentic system of the Amazon basin. Journal of Fish Biology, v. 93, p. 711-714, 2018.
Peixoto, H.J.C.; Baia, L.P.; Pereira, D.R.; Rollnic, M.; Monteiro, S.M. Sedimentological Sectorization Model In An Amazonian Estuary. Journal of Coastal Research, v. 1, p. 91-95, 2018.
Rollnic, M.; Costa, M.S.; Medeiros, P.R.L.; Monteiro, S. M. Tide influence on suspended matter transport in an Amazonian Estuary. Journal of Coastal Research, v. 1, p. 121-125, 2018.
Teixeira, F.B.; De Oliveira, A.C.A.; Leão, L.K.R.; Fagundes, N.C.F.; Fernandes, R.M.; Fernandes, L.M.P.; Da Silva, M.C.F.; Amado, L.L.; Sagica, F.E.S.; De Oliveira, E.H.C. ; Crespo-Lopez, M.E.; Maia, C.S.F. ; Lima, R.R. . Exposure to Inorganic Mercury Causes Oxidative Stress, Cell Death, and Functional Deficits in the Motor Cortex. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, v. 11, p. 1, 2018.
Valentin, M.; Monteiro, S.M.; Rollnic, M. The influence of seasonality on haline zones in an Amazonian estuary. Journal of Coastal Research, v. 1, p. 76-80, 2018.
Aragão, W.A.B; Costa, N.M.M.; Fagundes, N.C.F.; Silva, M.C.F.; Alves-Júnior, S.M.; Pinheiro, J.J.V.; Amado, L.L.; Crespo-López, M.E.; Maia, C.S.F.; Lima, R. R. Chronic exposure to inorganic mercury induces biochemical and morphological changes in salivary glands of rats. Metallomics, v. 01, p. 01, 2017.
Cavalcanti, M.F.; Venekey, V. Parasphaerolaimus magdolnae sp. n. (Nematoda, Sphaerolaimidae) with intra-uterine development of its offspring from a Brazilian estuarine system. Zootaxa (Online), v. 4358, p. 339-350, 2017.
Cesar-Ribeiro, C.; Rosa, H.C.; Rocha, D.O.; Dos Reis, C.G.B.; Prado, T.S.; Muniz, D.H.C.; Carrasco, R.; Silva, F.M.; Martinelli-Filho, J.E.; Palanch-Hans, M.F. Light-stick: A problem of marine pollution in Brazil. Marine Pollution Bulletin, v. 117, p. 118-123, 2017.
Monteiro, S. M.; Sa, F.; Neto, R.R. Geoquímica do material particulado em suspensão em um sistema estuarino tropical, sudeste do Brasil. Química Nova, p. 871-879, 2017.
Petracco, M.; Cardoso, R.S.; Martinelli Filho, J.E.; Turra, A. Effects of beach morphodynamic features on production and P/B ratio of the crab Emerita brasiliensis Schmitt, 1935 (Decapoda: Hippidae) in sandy beaches of South America. Journal of The Marine Biological Association of the Uk (Online), v. 97, p. 1215-1221, 2017.
Prestes, Y.O.; Silva, A.C.; Rollnic, M.; Rosario, R.P. The m2 and m4 tides in the pará river estuary. Tropical oceanography (Online), v. 45, p. 26-37, 2017.
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